Case Studies:

Leveraging As-Built Construction Photos to Ensure and Maintain Quality Post-Completion

Multivista Helps NYC’s Collegiate School locate and repair construction defects to a savings of $3.7 Million.

When they noticed high energy costs and low efficiency scores on a brand new, high-end build, this school’s facilities team knew exactly where to start looking—at their As-Built progression photos.

After just two years of classes in their brand new, 9-story, 175,000 square foot campus, facilities teams at the prestigious Collegiate School in New York City began noticing a problem. In one side of the building, school staff were freezing during the winter months. After a building-wide energy evaluation came back with a failing grade, Director of Facilities Mark Gordon turned to his Multivista photo documentation for answers.


Gordon and his twelve-person team had been using Multivista documentation routinely to monitor the construction of the new school. He knew the most cost-effective way to ensure proper insulation had been installed was to access the building’s Multivista Progression photos.

Total savings to the school: $1.7 million

We found the problem. The Multivista photos showed all these walls without insulation. The progression photos in other parts of the building show the areas with no wall, then studs, then piping and electrical, then insulation, then sheetrock.  We used Multivista to verify which walls didn’t have insulation and contacted the contractor. Without those photos, we would have had to cut into every wall to see where insulation was missing. The system worked perfectly. close-quote_1
Mark Gordon, Collegiate School Director of Facilities


The Collegiate School has outdoor play surfaces on the first and 8th floors. When the rubberized flooring product began to fail and come up from the foundation, facilities teams used Multivista date-stamped photo documentation cross referenced with city weather data to investigate if the product had been properly installed.

Total Savings to the school: $2 million

We had told the people putting the flooring down that we thought it was too cold for the product. Sure enough, when the surface started to come up, we were able to use Multivista to determine the date of installation. On the day they installed the temperature was 17°F, and the product instructions say it’s supposed to be 40°F. That was an easy one. close-quote_1
Mark Gordon, Collegiate School Director of Facilities