Corporate Industries: Healthcare | Multivista

Optimize Healthcare Construction and Facility Management

Critical coverage for critical facilities

Healthcare construction documentation is an essential piece of any healthcare project.  The healthcare system is comprised of many types of next-generation facilities, painstakingly designed to support patient care. Few industries demand the extreme attention to detail at every stage of construction like a healthcare project. When lives are on the line, every decision about material specifications, safety, and quality matters. Multivista has captured thousands of healthcare facilities with full-service visual construction documentation services.

  • 3D Laser Scanning
  • Scan to BIM
  • Firestopping

3D Laser Scanning

Healthcare construction projects are usually complex, and require a high level of accuracy to ensure that the project meets all the safety and regulatory standards. 

With Multivista’s 3D Laser Scanning, we don’t just capture the data — we convert it into actionable deliverables. Whether your project only requires scanning or a combination of services, we’re here to get you the field intelligence you need.

Our professionals take the time to meticulously scan your entire project to provide an accurate record.  We do it all — scanning, registration, visualization, data preparation, data hosting, and data transmission. Our data processing has a fast turnaround, so you can keep your timeline on track.

To learn more about the benefits of 3D laser scanning, check out our Guide to 3D Laser Scanning Technology.

Scan to BIM

It is essential to digitize your as-built project when working with complex Healthcare projects, which will enable you to virtually tour the information and connect as many staff, external consultants or general contractors to effectively and efficiently share information to streamline new construction projects, renovations, or facility management.

Your digital as-built models will be accessible online through our platform very quickly after scanning. Accurate 3D insight allows you to efficiently identify any issues or problems for repairs or for overall facility management.

Learn more about Scan to BIM


Multivista will use point cloud data to create PDF and/or AutoCAD (DWG) plans. Choose from our Schematic packages or Architectural packages based on your project needs.

Save time, reduce errors, improve collaboration, and maximize efficiency with precise field intelligence — based on real-world data — that you can take anywhere.

Learn more about Scan to Plan


The firestopping assessment process is challenging as it takes time to detect unsealed penetrations, which greatly contribute to the rapid spread of fire and smoke.

Even with strict protocols in place, there are always last-minute installations and the possibility of human error in sealing up rated wall penetrations, endanger staff and residents during an emergency.

As a result, maintaining quality is costly, and their problems can be severe, numbering in the hundreds. In a 500-unit residential complex, for example, there may be 20 quality concerns logged per unit, resulting in 10,000 punch list issues that must be identified, tracked, and rectified.

Multivista overcomes these challenges by automating the detection of unsealed penetrations via leveraging two cutting-edge construction technologies: image recognition and advanced reality capture.

Learn more about Firestopping

We manage multiple remote projects throughout North America and have been utilizing Multivista documentation on all of our projects for the past two years. We were recently asked by an inspector to verify the installation of 53 valves already covered by paint and drywall. Using Multivista, we were able to look inside every wall without having to perform any unnecessary destructive verification. We estimate that Multivista saved us over $53,000 on this one issue alone.
Elizabeth Liles Mann, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Project Manager, Design & Construction, HealthSouth
I just wanted to reach out and thank you and the entire Multivista team for the positive experience we had with the documentation of our project. Multivista helped us maintain clear records and transparency with our stake holders during the entire course of the project. (1) Scheduling was easy. Your operations team was always extremely flexible and responsive. (2) The picture quality was high definition (3) The consistency of the picture location allowed us to show a timeline of any area in question (4) The ability to add unlimited users at no cost, allowed us to avoid having to send photos to other team members (5) The drone aerial 360 images were most helpful when trying to capture aerials of the overall project scope area and worked great for presentations.
Maikol Guerrero, Civil Design Manager, Mount Sinai Medical Center

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