Discover the Three Technologies to Stay Competitive in Today’s Market

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High-quality data is essential for construction professionals wishing to stay current with industry developments. Let’s prove it with two hard statistics which are a safer bet than making assumptions. 54% of contractors recognize gathering more accurate data from the field as their top priority, while insufficient project data and miscommunication cause 52% of rework. Getting necessary data requires reliable technology, and although we live in the most digitalized era, it’s in our human nature to be hesitant of exploring the uncharted territories of new technology. Additionally, tech solutions are often associated with high prices and implementation challenges.

Today, let’s look at how contractors can benefit from adapting affordable, cutting-edge innovation and how it can create additional value for all project stakeholders. Here are three examples of construction tech solutions that general contractors can utilize right now:

Photo Documentation

Photo documentation has always been known as a tool to prove the work was completed, even if we’re talking about low-quality mobile phone images. However, modern full-service solutions give users a chance to store, document, and share images, turning into a multi-faceted management tool that streamlines communication and helps to provide instant updates simultaneously to all stakeholders. Today, construction photo documentation works in a totally different way than a decade ago, introducing new workflow efficiencies for contractors, project managers, and owners.

Updating schedules and sharing the information with subcontractors, checking and verifying the quality of completed work, confirming payment submissions, resolving RFIs in minutes instead of days—all these tasks can be completed with the help of photo documentation tools.

Download this Brochure to learn how 360 Photo can help you meet the deadline, stay within the budget, and future-proof your project!

Video Documentation

While travelling is a dream for most people these days, let’s remember what happened during check-ins. Apart from dealing with lost luggage and having to wait until your room is cleaned, you also received a lot of instructions. First, from a receptionist, regarding schedules and extra services, and then upon entering the room and learning how to connect to the Wi-Fi, use the AC and lockbox, and other guidelines depending on the type of your hotel. This process is similar to that when construction is complete, and ownership teams need to absorb the knowledge from the teams who built, installed, programmed, and verified the various building components and systems throughout the build. Here’s where video documentation, and particularly Owner Training Video, comes into play.

Construction video documentation captures your site-specific operations. The big questions are what processes are essential to capture and how to do it without any significant investments. The answer to both is hiring construction video professionals since it’s much easier and less expensive than searching for various subject matter experts and allocating resources to tie everything up. Here are three reasons why outsourcing video documentation is the most effective solution:

  1. Not all video production experts are aware of numerous factors, like noisy site conditions, that must be taken into consideration while shooting.
  2. Only experienced people can tell how to better section and organize the material, and what exactly should be captured.
  3. Hiring an external team will help you add value to the clients while your team keeps a laser focus on what they do best.

Drones and UAV

Every third General Contractor uses drones and UAVs. If you’re not one of them, here’s how they can help with your day-to-day tasks.

But first, let’s be honest: we think that this is one of the most exciting innovations in the construction world. Drones are the future of enhancing job site safety because they can do many jobs that could otherwise put workers in danger. They’re also perfect for high-complexity and tall projects because they serve as an extra pair of eyes that can provide a bird’s eye perspective and show places that were previously inaccessible.

Together with powerful 3D tools, drones can create detailed maps of the job site to track equipment, monitor progress, plan for site logistics, and more. And have you seen the videos drones capture? They’re breathtaking, so aside from being a great technical and project planning support, drones create exciting deliverables to assist in creating marketing campaigns and sharing with the project stakeholders or prospective clients.

Summing up, the future is tech, and it’s already here. If you’re ready to jump on the construction documentation train, contact the Multivista team today to learn more about the solution that will fit your project requirements.

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