5 Tips to Harness the (Super) Powers of Your Construction Photos

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Information is power these days, but knowing how to use your information correctly gives you super powers. A properly documented construction project is like having x-ray vision and the ability to travel back in time. Construction Documentation is fast becoming the new gold standard for jobsites, but that’s only part of the equation.


The real superhero status comes from having the right Project Implementation Management (PIM) system in place. This will ensure you and your team can access those photos and videos quickly and easily to solve problems before they become villainous nightmares.


To understand how to harness the full power of your construction documentation system we spoke with three Multivista PIM experts for their top-tips on utilizing your documentation to its full potential so you save both time and money:

  1. Team Access
    You don’t need spandex suits to make sure your entire team has access to the power they need. Construction documentation is a tool and the more team members who use the tool, the more the project will benefit. You want a centralized system your team can log into anytime and quickly find the photos and data they need to solve problems. If your electrician knows there are MEP Exact-Built® photos available, he can essentially see through walls with his smart phone and doesn’t need to smash through the drywall every six inches to find a critical electrical wire.
  2. Know What You’re Getting
    There are many different documentation packages so it’s important everyone knows what they’re getting. General contractors love Pre-Slab Exact-Built® or MEP Exact-Built® shoots because they give them x-ray vision to see into everything to troubleshoot and solve problems. Owners and developers often like progression shots that allow them to travel through time and watch their projects rise up out of the ground. Knowing exactly what documentation is available ensures everyone is on board and prepared to save the day!
  3. Orientation and Training
    With great power comes great responsibility, and everyone on a project has different responsibilities. It’s important each team member understands how their new documentation powers integrate with current duties and workflows. Walking through the tools available and establishing communication protocols with a trained PIM expert helps solve problems now and in the future. With a cloud-based project management system and a mobile app, your team has the power to add in their own photos, pin notes and flag problems from in the field. Can you imagine trying to identify all the shut-off valves in a 50-story building without a well-implemented documentation program? With the right PIM system your team can be trained to take a photo, drop a pin and mark valve locations as they’re installed. Rather than searching from floor to floor after construction is complete, you can fly through all 50 stories from your desk. Now that’s power.
  4. Immediate Documentation Review
    Even superheroes make mistakes and there are often discrepancies between what is in the plans and what is at the jobsite. An efficient construction documentation system uploads photos the day they are taken and sends notifications of the areas and scope of work captured to all team members. This allows general contractors to remotely review work with engineers, owners and trades at supersonic speed. There’s nothing better than being able to review your site and catch issues before big milestones such as a concrete pour or drywall cover-up. Timely access to your documentation allows the entire team to stay light years ahead of problems.
  5. A Foundation for the Future
    Documentation superpowers don’t disappear when the construction phase ends. These powers are available to everyone who will ever need to travel back in time on your project. A super documentation system makes it easy to educate future facility maintenance teams on the construction history and provides information to help solve building issues for years into the future. The documentation can also evolve and grow through the life of the facility with options to add and track maintenance tasks and load manuals or how-to videos for systems like HVAC, boilers, security or data closets. A super construction documentation system safeguards your asset long after construction is complete.

The real power of construction photos comes from knowing how to use them in a systematic way to save time and money, both during construction and for the lifespan of the facility. Super-powers are super, but only if you know how to use them. No one wants to be the “hero” who blasts through a wall taking out two water pipes, and an $80,000 electrical system.

To see how construction documentation systems have saved people time and money visit success stories.

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