Las Vegas Construction Technology | Multivista

Construction Technology Solutions in Las Vegas

Multivista provides greater Las Vegas stakeholders with interactive digital as-builts for keeping projects on time and on budget.

Multivista Serves Las Vegas Businesses

Multivista brings transparency, accountability and confidence to the entire development and build process as well as taking turnover and facilities management to a whole new level.  With a local team of full-time documentation specialists, Multivista can be trusted to bring the right technology at the right time. We’re Nevada’s one-stop shop for reality capture expertise, including drone services, webcams, visual as-builts, BIM verification, 360 immersive tours, 3D imaging and scanning.

  • Construction Solutions
  • Services Offered

Construction Solutions

  • Remote Project Management
  • Monitor Critical Path
  • Validate Warranty Issues, Disputes, and Claims
  • Reduce Facility Maintenance and Operational Expenses
  • Simplify and Save on Future Renovations

Services Offered

  • Construction Photo Documentation
  • Construction Video Documentation
  • Construction Webcams
  • Construction UAV/Drone Services
  • Construction Measurable 3D Images
  • Construction 3D Virtual Walkthroughss
  • Construction Disaster Preparedness Services


  • BIM Integration, Visual As-Builts

Frequently asked questions

When/How did your Multivista franchise get started?

Established in 2009, the Las Vegas office is home to some of the most experienced members of the now-global Multivista team. Our technology and services have helped Las Vegas stakeholders maintain accountability over the past decade of ups and downs, and we now have a satellite team working in Reno to bring our full suite of services to northern Nevada.


I have used Multivista for imaging services on several Las Vegas projects ranging in size from $4 billion to $150 million. I am a staunch believer in three bid RFP process, descoping bids and award to the most responsive capable bidder. However, in the case of imaging services I have not found other vendors that can provide the product that Multivista delivers to provide a true three bid process. For my recent large project my team exhaustively researched imaging alternatives, priced their varied offerings and ultimately selected Multivista as the best value for the project. The team did prepare a project sole source memo documenting the process and stating Multivista was a competitive value for the project.
Bob Platt, Taylor International Corp., Resorts World/Hard Rock Casino
One of my clients, MGM Resorts International has utilized Multivista on almost all of our new ground up construction projects and even a few Capital improvements as well.

On our T-Mobile Arena project, our JV partner required hard bids on all contracts so we had to bid out our Multivista and other technologies despite using them on past projects.

Albeit hard to find a competitor in this field we were finally successful in obtaining multiple bids. We found Multivista still had the best price regardless of inferior products on the comparative end

If you have any questions or concerns about our vetting, bidding or selection process or Multivista in general, please let me know.
Robert Bess, Owners Representative Design & Development Technology, MGM Resorts Design & Development

Our Clients

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Additional Resources

Case Study
Leveraging Construction Progress Photography 
to Avoid Rework
How To Make Effective Construction Training Videos
Construction Photography Best Practices
Case Study
Webcor Relies On Drone Photography & UAV Mapping To Keep a Massive P3 Project On Track
Location Directory