Infrastructure – Multivista – Great Brittain (English)

Infrastructure and civil construction documentation services

Full-service solutions for infrastructure and civil project stakeholders

Doing things differently

Overrun.  Delay.

These words have plagued the multi-trillion pound global infrastructure industry since the 1930s when some of the first cost escalation studies were published. And while the infrastructure industry as a whole is not out of hot water, change is being led by those companies who are embracing new efficiency-driving, construction technologies.

Multivista Infrastructure Icon
projects captured
contracted square feet

Specialised documentation

Massive infrastructure and civil projects, such as highways, tunnels and bridges, often require a complex network of teams on site. They also require special considerations like monitoring groundwater, reducing soil erosion and tracking equipment spread over a large area, which only adds to the complexity. Comprehensively documenting projects, teams and equipment that spans large distances is necessary for effective project management and also far more efficient today than in years past.

Construction Photo Documentation Multivista
Photo Documentation of Infrastructure Project Provided by Multivista
Multivista drone & UAV pilots posing with construction drones & UAVs

Creating efficiencies

With the largest pilot-controlled drone (UAV) fleet in the construction industry and 825 infrastructure projects captured, Multivista will work with you to make sure your civil and infrastructure projects are fully covered. Civil project leaders count on Multivista for:

  • Transparency: When public funds are involved, careful and comprehensive documentation is absolutely essential.
  • Record keeping: With multiple crews and machinery on site, letting Multivista capture a clear visual record of who did what, how and when will help keep it all straight.
  • Aerial imagery: Multivista’s drone (UAV) services deliver time and date-stamped aerial images and video of your project, linked to an interactive digital plan that can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Geo-tagging: All Multivista drone (UAV) images are geo-tagged so you can accurately pinpoint and annotate items like utilities.
  • Full scope walk-along: Prior to back-fill, a full-scope walk-along paired with a UAV/drone overview provides essential information for the future.
  • Monitoring tools: Our construction monitoring tools track change history and provide a record of important communications or issues that were resolved during construction.


Construction Site Drone/UAV Documentation
Close Up Shot of Infrastructure Project Provided by Multivista
Documentation Photo of Infrastructure Project Provided by Multivista


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